Updated: July 19, 2022

How to Foster Company Pride at Work in 2023

You found our guide on how to foster company pride.

Company pride is a workplace atmosphere where employees feel a sense of happiness, appreciation, motivation, and productivity. When employees feel the company values their input, there is a shared sense of purpose and commitment, where everyone understands the organization’s goals and their role in achieving them. A company can promote workplace pride through strong corporate social responsibility. Even seemingly inconsequential aspects of the workplace, such as the layout and design, may have a significant impact.

This concept is a key part of employee advocacy and appears often in books on the employee experience. Fostering worker pride is one component of improving company culture and creating a positive work environment.

This article includes:

  • Why fostering company pride is important
  • how to instil pride in employees
  • How to build pride in an organization
  • Ways to show company pride

Let’s get started!

What motivates employees?

Employees who like their work and are proud of their company are more likely to go the extra mile to get the job done well. Even if they do not hold managerial positions, these workers are capable leaders and cooperative collaborators. As a result, these employees might go out of their way to find new workers who share their excitement. In addition, these workers provide management with constructive criticism, participate in business activities, and contribute to company objectives, such as making the firm a better place to work.

Several factors contribute to employee’s pride at work:

  • Ability to make decisions independently
  • The chance to engage in creative endeavors
  • A good balance between their professional and personal life
  • A sense of fulfillment in the job they accomplish
  • A role that aligns with their abilities and preferences

Each of these components is critical. However, your company’s workers’ perceptions of pride might be the most crucial factor. Company pride means employees are happy and proud to work for this organization. Employees are aware of the organization’s guiding principles and can brag about the company’s work with friends and family.

Why fostering company pride is important

Your company’s success depends on creating a work atmosphere that encourages employees to be their most productive selves. Each year, firms in the United States lose more than $450 billion in productivity due to disengaged workers, according to Gallup.

A recent poll by Jostle’s workplace intranet specialists found that most specific employee engagement initiatives had disappointing outcomes. Despite that these programs are quite beneficial and may even be vital to preventing employee turnover, they cannot guarantee your company a sense of direction.

The research suggested a strong correlation between employee engagement and “respect for leadership,” “pride in the company,” “a positive company culture,” and “a belief that your work matters.” Those four factors are interconnected. For example, respect for the company’s leadership indicates that employees approve of the company’s strategic direction. In addition, employees will be proud of their contribution if they believe in the firm’s purpose. Therefore, these factors foster a more favorable corporate culture.

An internal study by Facebook’s HR department on employee engagement in 2017 revealed the most significant element of workplace engagement was pride in one’s company. A successful employee engagement program should instill a feeling of honor in workers. While enticing workers with a generous salary and generous paid vacations are a great way to get them on board, keeping them around requires giving them reasons to be proud of their work every day.

Pride means a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment from associating one’s work. In a workplace context, you might describe it as the sense of self-worth and self-confidence we gain when we accomplish something of value. Many workplaces, on the other hand, are missing this element. In many cases, the primary motivation is not to perform an excellent job but rather to complete the task and move on to the next one. Work may be unpleasant at times, and that is understandable. On the other hand, your firm can take efforts to make resuming to work every day a more joyful and satisfying experience for its workers.

Companies should show pride in themselves, their staff, and the job they accomplish regardless of their branding. As a result, these workers will serve as enthusiastic and outspoken ambassadors for their companies as one of the ways to show company pride. In addition, customers and job seekers interested in learning more about your organization may rely on the information of your employees.

How to build pride in an organization

It is not straightforward to foster pride across the board. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for a firm or its personnel when it comes to boosting company pride. It would help if you spent time listening and planning before you begin the process. The following section will show you how to instil pride in employees. You will have a better chance of success if you approach this endeavor honestly, openly, and persistently.

1. Communicate the firm’s objectives

Employees seek to know that their minor daily responsibilities are part of a larger plan for the company’s future success. Employees should be aware of your company’s global and micro-objectives. Employees will better understand their role in moving the firm ahead if you lay out a clear path for them to follow.

It is easier to complete tasks when you know what you want to accomplish. An open-door policy might help workers discover and handle inefficiencies that had previously gone undiscovered. This step saves time and money while also satisfying employees.

2. Schedule informal meetings with your staff regularly

It would help if you encouraged your managers to meet with employees regularly for fast, casual catch-ups. It is essential to have a two-way dialogue in these meetings. You can ask workers about their short and long-term goals and whether any of the current initiatives they are working on inspires them to do their best job.

Identifying the projects that excite your employees will help you better understand their strengths and best potential collaborators. These conversations are also a chance to find out if any difficulties have been bothering the employee. For example, employees might lack the necessary resources or do not have the confidence to do whatever is required to execute a great job. On the other hand, the employee’s dissatisfaction may have deeper roots. For instance, workers may have become uninterested in their job or have doubts about management. You may use these complaints to restructure your firm and deploy exceptional individuals where they can have the greatest influence.

Your workers’ unhappiness may be a sign of a larger problem in leadership, and these warnings may help you foresee future issues. Your workers will feel appreciated if you listen to their issues and make an effort to ensure they have a fulfilling job.

3. Assign leadership roles to the right candidates

Elevating the wrong employee to a leadership position has far-reaching consequences. Even if the employee is a top performer or a very gifted individual, they might not be a good match for leadership. Leadership demands a high degree of social knowledge and sensitivity to do the delicate balancing act of encouraging and demanding. It would help if you chose leaders who can motivate, empower, and energize their team members.

Leaders should set a good example for their staff to follow. Fear and anxiety are not tools for encouraging a team. Rather, the team’s motivation should stem from a desire to continue performing work in which they can take pride. Optimal leaders are conscientious about how they speak and focus on inspiring their teams with words of encouragement. Leaders should always keep in mind that they are only as strong as the people who work for them.

Employees prefer to work for bosses they love and respect. If employees believe that their direct supervisor often makes incorrect decisions or does not comprehend the purpose and value of their production, they might be less productive.

Here are signs of a good manager.

4. Offer incentives and appreciation

Employees’ self-esteem rises to new heights when they realize how much the company values them. A simple email, a handwritten note, or a shoutout during your weekly breakfast meeting may go a long way toward showing your staff that you are aware of their efforts and value their contributions to the company. An employee will not appreciate a deliberate acknowledgment as much as one that comes from a heartfelt expression of appreciation.

You could also express appreciation in the form of financial incentives, probably based on the effort and outcomes of the task. For example, little rewards like gift cards may help workers appreciate the actions of their colleagues who go above and beyond. Employee performance targets may also come with larger incentives, such as cash bonuses. It would help if you showed your employees that the company will reward those who go the extra mile to finish a task.

Here is a list of employee recognition ideas and a guide to incentive programs.

5. Commit to charitable causes

Employees, especially millennials, are more likely than any other generation to connect with various social concerns. To show your workers that what they care about is important to you, consider donating to a charity or organization that supports these issues. Your company’s practices and procedures might likewise benefit from reviewing corporate compassion. For example, you could give your staff reusable water bottles or reduce the quantity of paper you print on.

Workers will know that in addition to contributing to the bottom line, they are making a difference in the lives of those in need. Showing employees your commitment to making the world a better place will give them a compelling reason to take pride in working for your company.

For similar ideas, check out this guide to employee volunteer programs.

6. Establish and embody your basic principles

It is much easier for a tightly-knit, laser-focused group to accomplish its objectives when they share the same beliefs. If you have not already, adopt a formal set of core values so that every employee knows what matters most to your company. Prospective workers will feel compelled to join a cause in addition to accepting a lucrative job offer.

You could have employee recognition programs that recognize workers for upholding your core principles. This step will transform your team into a cohesive unit that takes pride in its achievements as evidence of progress.

7. Make it easier for employees to make friends

Friends make it easier to experience a sense of belonging in the workplace. Employees who have ever struggled to make new acquaintances at work will recall sitting at their desks alone and counting down the minutes until they could leave for the day. Friendships between coworkers may help employees feel that their successes are part of a bigger team effort.

Putting forth a little more effort for a buddy is not irritating but a goodwill gesture. In addition, employees will have a network of coworkers they can confide in and depend on for counsel. Relationships in the workplace increase a company’s ability to keep its workers happy and reduce employee turnover.

Here is a list of steps to forming work friendships.

8. Implement whatever drives your best worker’s pride

Your top employees can tell you precisely what motivates them to come to work every day. You can ask your best workers what they want to see in their ideal workplace. You should act on whatever you learn from your interaction and avoid getting overwhelmed. Even small businesses may find a cost-effective solution that meets the spirit of the ideas, even with limited resources. For example, environmentally-conscious workers who would prefer a firm that is 100% sustainable may be happy to find you are getting rid of single-use plastics and investing some of your revenues in purchasing carbon offsets.

Company pride drives employee pride. Although you cannot influence an employee’s emotional reaction to their work environment, you can take steps that lead to a sense of pride in their firm. Hiring the proper personnel means they will show up to work each day with a positive attitude and a desire to perform a good job. You are making things simpler for yourself by prioritizing business pride.

Employees’ self-esteem and motivation plummet when they want to accomplish their best work but cannot do so due to a lack of adequate resources, assistance, and flexibility. Conversely, employees who take pleasure in their job will be more likely to contribute to the company’s purpose, demonstrate how their work ties back to that objective, and embrace its core values.

9. Encourage your staff to look outside their department

Employees in a single department in big and mid-sized companies may be unaware of what goes on in other parts of the company. These employees may be the best at what they do, but if they do not understand how their actions affect others, their results cannot be optimal. It would help if you encouraged workers to visit or observe other departments, interact with consumers, and even test the product or service your firm offers.

As a business owner, it is vital to educate your staff to understand how their job affects other departments and the company’s overall objectives. In addition, you will have a better chance of filling available jobs with internal applicants if your workers understand the various roles in the organization.

10. Provide feedback

Employees should get regular opportunities to obtain feedback from their supervisors and colleagues. Regular feedback is crucial for real-time improvement. Organizations often have feedback meetings once or twice a year, which may cause bad habits to fester and diminish the motivating benefits of good feedback. Setting clear standards and providing positive reinforcement every month can help maintain morale strong among your workforce.

Here is a guide to giving employee feedback.

11. Create opportunities for continuing education

You should not limit employee education to the onboarding process or workers who perform below expectations. Investing in your workers’ on-the-job training is essential if you want to help them excel in their current roles and keep them abreast of changing trends in the business. Banking and other companies that need staff to stay up-to-date on new legislation benefit from continuing education.

In-house training programs rely on the knowledge and expertise of senior members of the team to disseminate the most effective methods for increasing productivity and satisfying customers. Education also allows staff to acquire advanced skills and improve their functions. Employees may learn about current industry developments by consulting outside specialists. This step is known as “external education.” When your workers see that you care about their professional growth, they are more likely to want to contribute to the company’s success.

Read more about the importance of professional development.

12. Create a sense of team unity

Every member of your organization is a component of the larger puzzle. Your staff will want to perform their best for their internal customers as they get to know one another better. Participating in team-building activities can build these relationships. Activities might range from simple icebreakers to more elaborate, off-site programs designed to help teams grow. A terrific approach to fostering a sense of community among your workers is organizing an employee volunteer program.

A thriving workplace relies on a culture of employee pride and motivation, which you can foster daily. To boost morale, productivity, and profitability in the workplace, you need to consider what it takes to motivate and inspire your workers.

You can jumpstart this process with a company culture committee.


Company pride may seem inconsequential, yet it may significantly influence bottom-line outcomes. When employees feel proud of their work, they are less likely to leave the firm, more likely to recommend it as an excellent place to work, and more likely to promote its goods to others. Even better, employees will go the extra mile for the company.

For more advice, check out these books on motivation and guides to employee engagement.

FAQ: Company pride

Here are frequently asked questions about company pride.

How do you encourage company pride in employees?

You can encourage company pride by offering incentives and promotions, communicating the firm’s objectives, and creating a sense of team unity.

Why is organizational pride important?

Organizational pride is important to reduce employee turnover, increase employee engagement and promote workplace productivity.

How do you get employees to take pride in their work?

You can get employees to take pride in their work by recognizing and appreciating their efforts, helping them to make friends, and implementing suggestions that inspire pride.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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