Updated: October 30, 2022

19 Best Inclusion Moment Ideas & Topics for Work in 2023

You found our list of thoughtful inclusion moment ideas & topics for work.

Inclusion moments are discussions centered around creating a work environment where all employees get fair and respectful treatment, a sense of belonging, and equal opportunities. Examples include generational diversity, stereotypes, and cultural competency. Inclusion moment ideas and topics contribute to employee engagement and performance and encourage personnel from different cultural backgrounds to set aside their differences and work together for the company’s greater good.

These ideas are related to diversity and inclusion activities. As a result, you can ensure a more positive work culture and reap the benefits of diversity and inclusion at work.

This article contains:

  • inclusion moments for meetings
  • inclusion moment topics
  • safety and inclusion moment ideas
  • diversity equity and inclusion moment ideas

Here we go!

Inclusion moment ideas and topics for work

Companies must make immediate and long-term efforts to achieve a diverse and inclusive workplace. The following are topics and ideas for your company’s inclusion moments.

1. Education on the Differences Between Diversity, Equity, And Inclusivity

Most of your staff should be familiar with the term “diversity,” but some may be confused about the difference between diversity, equity, and inclusion. If your team knows the differences between diversity and inclusion, it will be easier to attract a wide range of candidates.

Diversity is the existence of significant distinctions among individuals, such as country of origin, ideology, or age. However, diversity goes beyond outward appearances. The concept also encompasses how a firm acknowledges, receives, and values these differences.

Equity is a company’s system that ensures that all workers get equal treatment regardless of their differences. Equity applies to opportunities, promotions, and organizational policy provisions. Employees are more likely to pitch in and contribute when there is a level playing field and fair treatment in the workplace. For instance, you may incorporate equality into your operations by empowering qualified women and members of the LGBTQ+ community to take up positions of leadership. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey, only 85 percent of women obtained promotions to managerial positions for every 100 men.

Conversely, workplace inclusion refers to an environment where all workers feel a sense of belonging. Inclusion represents how connected employees feel with their job and the office. DE&I programs should focus their efforts on inclusion since it forms the basis of empathy and camaraderie.

Recognizing these distinctions can help you better tailor your DE&I efforts to the specific requirements of your workplace. In addition, DE&I initiatives may improve morale, increasing output. Simply said, the benefits of investing in your staff will double exponentially.

2. Racism

Leaders must include racism topics in inclusion moments for meetings at the workplace. The negative consequences of racism are immense. In the same way, companies can benefit from the positive outcomes of a workplace free of prejudice. Companies with a positive work environment encourage employees to think beyond the box.

Achieving racial equality is providing equal treatment to employees of different races. An inclusive workplace allows open discussion of issues of racism and bigotry. Researching how to give appropriate training to varied groups based on the most recent research is essential, but the discourse should not revolve solely around personal experiences or put employees on the spot.

Training on the significance of racial fairness is equally necessary. You should remember that equity and diversity education is crucial to achieving racial equality. Companies also need to provide employees with training on how to deal with harassment in the workplace.

3. Generational Diversity

Since your team may consist of members from different generations, addressing generational differences in inclusion and diversity moments and seminars is crucial. If these generations do not find common ground, then difficulties might ensue. For example, generation X, Millennials, and Gen Z are likely present in your workplace. Without sufficient training and inclusive communication to help various generations understand each other, the possible negative outcomes include generational bias, unmet expectations, and lower output.

4. Intentional Inclusion

Intentional inclusion is another focal point of diversity and inclusion moments. The term “intentional inclusion” refers to a strategy of bringing about change, diversity, and acceptance in the workplace via a series of deliberate, well-thought-out actions. While educating your staff on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, it is just as crucial to put policies and practices that will allow those individuals to put their newfound knowledge into practice.

To make diversity, inclusion, and cultural understanding a reality in the workplace, it is vital for employees to understand that they are all responsible for taking action. Employee cooperation is essential to succeed with a diverse workforce, and purposeful inclusion can convey this idea.

5. Mentoring Systems That Pair Workers from Different Backgrounds

Mentoring programs in the workplace provide several advantages for both employees and businesses. These programs can help workers of all backgrounds feel more confident in their abilities and self-worth. Employees from diverse backgrounds may learn from one other and appreciate each other more if they are encouraged to participate in mentorship activities. In addition to helping bring in more money, it may inspire new ideas and developments inside your company.

Here is a list of mentoring program ideas.

6. Employee Resource Group

Employee resource groups are a learning system where your employees serve as an information bank for the rest of the staff. The group is a safe space for employees of distinct identities to discuss with each other and find companionship. You should encourage your staff to form employee resource groups to help them build new relationships and get the help they need in the workplace. The Employee Resource Groups your company has is entirely up to its members. Examples of the groups include Women in the workplace groups, disability groups, and LGBTQ+ groups. The most encouraging aspect is that it is the workers themselves who are driving the reform.

Check out this guide to employee resource groups.

7. Diversity Training Programs

Whether you are a large firm or a small startup, employee diversity training is essential. When interacting with the public, your staff members will act as ambassadors for your company. Therefore, you should encourage employees to promote a favorable image. When workers have a better grasp of diversity, they can better engage positively with others from different backgrounds. Indeed, a study of over 500 businesses found that for every one percent increase in gender and racial diversity, businesses saw a three to nine percent rise in sales revenue.

8. Empathy Training Programs

Empathy is one of the most critical inclusion moment topics. This element is a powerful resource for building rapport and connection with individuals of various backgrounds.

Your programs and initiatives will have a better chance of success if you prioritize empathy to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion. Empathy allows workers to see their own life and the lives of others more clearly and objectively. Your sales staff will greatly benefit from developing their empathy capacity since it improves teamwork. In addition, your team’s ability to connect with and satisfy consumers will improve if they have a firm grasp of the desires of potential clients.

Check out this list of ways to show empathy at work.

9. Workplace Respect

The value of respect is an important topic to consider for your inclusion moments. According to an SHRM survey, one of the most important factors for employee satisfaction is working in an atmosphere where staff receives dignity and respect. A respectful workplace extends beyond being kind to your employees. A respectful work environment is essential to the success of the business as a whole.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to create and enforce clear and precise rules inside the workplace. Your DEI policy should outline consequences for harassment, bullying, or discrimination. In particular, it is essential to follow up with workers who have encountered such conduct from colleagues since doing so will demonstrate your appreciation for their contributions and provide insight into the prevalence of the problem.

10. Stereotypes

A stereotype is a generalization about an individual or a group. It is common in human nature to make snap judgments about individuals without any real information or proof. This kind of thinking has no place in the workplace, but unfortunately, many employees have preconceived notions. Conflict, poor morale, and low productivity are just some of the numerous bad outcomes that may result from stereotyping in the workplace. Prejudiced employees slow down the company’s progress by not trusting colleagues to execute their duties and micromanaging these teammates.

11. Identifying Microaggressions

Accumulated microaggressions lead to a systemic issue. Examples of this conduct in the workplace include verbal and nonverbal signs, anger and insulting language, and uninvited statements targeting an employee, generally of a different race or origin.

For instance, some employees may interrupt a woman giving a report or form an opinion about a coworker’s sexual orientation based on how they dress. Understanding how to speak out or act as a mediator in these situations is crucial for maintaining a positive and safe work environment.

Employees may better understand the consequences of these aggressive actions by learning to identify them. During inclusion moments, you can demonstrate the whole train of thought behind microaggression. For example, you can instruct individuals on the value of pronouns as labels. Different workers will interpret the same set of words or phrases in different ways.

Most employees may get a more nuanced understanding of the impact of their actions if they learn about the importance of sensitivity. Additionally, this topic pushes employees to look out for one another and evaluate their own reactions if members of the company’s most vulnerable groups experience discrimination or harassment on the job.

12. LGBTQ+

Equal treatment of people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender presentations is at the heart of the LGBTQ+ inclusion movement.

Gender identity is internally held beliefs about one’s gender, whether male or female. Some individuals let their personalities shine through their outward appearance by altering their hair, skin, or nails. All employees should be free to identify themselves as they see fit, regardless of gender. Being transgender or nonbinary falls under this category. Employees who do not conform to a binary gender system, including transgender people, often experience prejudice. For instance, inclusion moments can address assumptions of heteronormitivity and ensure other employees are mindful of preferred pronouns.

Since this group has been working for equality for so long, its members are all familiar with the meaning of this abbreviation. This issue should be part of diversity and inclusion training and seminars to inform workers that there are many ways to express oneself and that they should avoid stereotyping LGBT employees. Since discussions about sexual orientation may be touchy, you may want to break up any lengthy courses you would otherwise provide on the subject into shorter lessons.

13. Bystander Intervention

Individuals’ moral duty to one another is the bedrock of humanity. The same holds in the business world. Some bystanders might not speak out when they see injustice for a few reasons. Some fear ostracization, and others are reluctant to expose themselves to the dangers of career instability.

By encouraging team members to strike a healthy balance between individualism and standing up for each other, you can help foster a sense of community and compassion. Getting employees invested requires establishing rapport and fostering camaraderie in the workplace. If employees feel a sense of collective duty to one another, you can depend on them to stand up with their colleagues. This policy also covers workers victimized by acts of hostility or abuse violating DE&I rules.

14. Cultural Awareness

Inclusion initiatives pave the way for a workplace that values the contributions of people of all backgrounds. The first step is to acknowledge that not all workers observe the same religious festivals and customs. Inclusion ideas like customized online bulletin boards make sharing good news with coworkers easier on important days.

Human resources managers might add humor to the initiative by drafting communication strategies highlighting each employee’s unique qualities. Depending on the circumstances, this strategy could take the form of a blog that introduces readers to foreign culture through the eyes of an employee, or it could be a “social media takeover” in which an employee shares photos and videos of, say, holiday traditions or breakfast preparation in the country from which they are working remotely.

These initiatives raise consciousness and aim to improve workers’ feelings of community in the workplace, touching on all the tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Furthermore, research suggests that inclusive workplaces have a greater employee retention rate. Employees are more likely to remain in their positions if they believe the firm recognizes and respects their unique cultural contributions.

15. Cultural Competency

This idea relates to how employees work in multicultural settings and get along with coworkers from various cultural backgrounds. Collaborating well with diverse cultural backgrounds is essential in creating thriving teams.

In healthcare, for instance, cultural competence is crucial. As the initial point of contact with a hospital or clinic, the intake personnel must be culturally aware. In addition, cultural competence training explores implicit prejudice, stereotyping, and biases in-depth, as is the need to be considerate in discussions with those of diverse cultural backgrounds.

To foster a culture of cultural competency, businesses must provide their managers with the resources and training they need to promote diversity and inclusion, eliminate discrimination, and rein in improper behavior. Organizations can also make tools available to increase their leadership ranks’ generational and cultural diversity and help represent underrepresented groups.

16. Unconscious Bias

When our thoughts tell us that individuals who share our values, worldviews, and behaviors are safer and more trustworthy than those who do not, it is time to consider investing in unconscious bias training. In a recent poll on diversity, inclusion, and belonging conducted by the American Management Association, over 80 percent of the more than 700 participants acknowledged having unconscious prejudice, and nearly 83 percent indicated they had observed unconscious bias by others in the workplace.

Unconscious bias training, together with empathy, may serve as a solid groundwork for the rest of your efforts to eradicate prejudice in the workplace. Due to upbringing, most employees have unconscious biases that can change with time and effort. This idea is perhaps why not all DEI programs provide immediate results. Nevertheless, success with DEI programs in resolving these problems bodes well for the next generation of workers, who will be entering a very different workplace climate regarding tolerance and inclusion.

There is a good reason bias is one of the most discussed subjects in diversity and inclusion training sessions. Most employees agree that unconscious prejudices constitute a significant barrier to diversity. Unconscious prejudice is perhaps the greatest barrier to creativity and an alarming example of unfair treatment. Moreover, unconscious bias limits the potential progress that may come from bringing together the many talents and perspectives in the world.

17. Workplace Harassment

The workplace is a common setting for incidents of discrimination and harassment. Therefore, it is important to highlight the initiative’s potential to combat harassment while designing DE&I initiatives.

These training elements on diversity and inclusion should come with measures to make the workplace as safe as possible for all employees. For instance, you can mitigate office crises by providing self-defense training and a 24-hour emergency hotline.

Safety and inclusion moment ideas can help forestall harassment as much as practicable. However, if the worst should happen, these activities must be well thought out and prepared in advance so that staff members can react to and recover from the trauma they have encountered.

18. Disability Awareness and Diversity

Companies realize the need to educate their staff on the rights of employees with disabilities in the workplace and are increasingly providing disability awareness training. This topic allows team members to see any discriminatory behavior and stop it. You owe it to your workers as a business to educate them about their rights and the law as it pertains to individuals with disabilities.

In this approach, you can stress the importance of every team member doing their part to ensure that a workplace is where every employee feels comfortable and valued, regardless of their ability to do their job duties. In addition, discussions about disability may have a wide range of positive effects. Also, by providing your team with disability awareness training, you can ensure that they are prepared to aid workers with disabilities and provide solutions to the challenges they experience daily.

Check out this list of Disability Awareness Month ideas.

19. Religious Diversity

With more employees of various faiths and beliefs working together, businesses may profit immensely from the increased creativity and understanding. However, as a result, it might be challenging to manage from a human resources standpoint. You will need to figure out how to accommodate the varying worldviews of your staff without compromising company principles.

Practicing religious diversity means being sensitive to the needs of your team members, who may choose to observe certain dietary restrictions, avoid particular foods, or observe specific religious holidays. If you provide your staff with religious diversity training and establish certain ground rules, you will find it much simpler to foster a workplace environment where all workers feel safe practicing their beliefs.


Recruiting people from diverse backgrounds is part of building an inclusive culture. Inclusion calls for a mental adjustment. When you take the time to get to know your staff members, you can foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation on the job. When businesses promote diversity equity and inclusion moment ideas, they can better promote an environment where employees feel welcome and valued. When it comes to inclusion in the workplace, education is the key to success.

Check out our list of the best diversity and inclusion quotes for work and this list of DEI benefits in the workplace.

FAQ: Inclusion moments

Here are frequently asked questions about inclusion moments.

What are inclusion moments in the workplace?

Inclusion moments are conversations on how to make the workplace more welcoming by fostering a culture of acceptance and belonging for all workers.

How do you create inclusion moments at work?

You should have a firm grasp on the issues at hand before you begin crafting a strategy for creating inclusion moments at work. You can assess your company’s leadership and staff members to see whether any underrepresented groups exist.

What are some good inclusion moment ideas for meetings?

Some good inclusion moment ideas include cultural awareness, bystander intervention, and microaggression recognition. Other great ideas are empathy training and workplace respect.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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